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Gainesville, FL

1 (855) EMPATHY

Life and communication coaching for women.


Filtering by Tag: ugly

Uncursing Ugly: A Love Story

Marina Smerling

For anyone who’s ever been called “ugly.”  
For anyone who’s ever looked in the mirror and thought, “Not enough.”

I was starting to fall in love. Roger was funny and smart, quirky and spiritual. We’d go on unusually simple dates—just sitting on a rock, or in my car—contemplating the meaning of life, our dreams, our fears. He laughed at my jokes, was comfortable in silence, and had a softness to his voice that endeared me to him. He seemed so sweet, so receptive. I trusted him.

Until one night we were sitting close together on a bench in one of my favorite parks in Berkeley, when he told me he was struggling with something. I wanted to be both courageous and supportive, and so asked him to tell me. 

This article was published online. READ MORE ON ELEPHANT JOURNAL.

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