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PHONE      1.855.EMPATHY or 1.855.367.2849
  EMAIL       marina [at] shamelessheart [dot] com


Gainesville, FL

1 (855) EMPATHY

Life and communication coaching for women.


Filtering by Tag: Nonviolent Communication

The Self-Empathy Rant

Marina Smerling

One of the dangers of taking on a practice with a name like “Nonviolent Communication” is that we may start to run an inner soundtrack that sounds something like, “You’re supposed to be nice, Marina … all the time… to everybody…” dictators, mosquitoes, and scowling meter maids alike.  ”Be nice, don’t get mad, keep it in, and everybody will be fine.”  “Nonviolent” can thus be heard as an order to “shut up,” to censor, to hide.

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