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1 (855) EMPATHY

Life and communication coaching for women.

A Simple Self-Love Practice for Mercury in Retrograde (and Life as a Whole)


A Simple Self-Love Practice for Mercury in Retrograde (and Life as a Whole)

Marina Smerling

Mercury Retrograde is in full swing, and I know that, for many of us, it’s been a harder-than-usual tumble through the cosmos these last couple weeks.

Being good allies to ourselves isn’t always easy, especially if we feel (or have been thrown wildly) off center.

And yet the practice of having our own backs (support) – and our own feet (ground) and our own hearts (compassion) – seems to be one of the lifelong questions.

When we’re hurting, how do we soothe? When we’re “off,” how do we find center? When we feel lost, how do we find the ground? (And again, some of us got a better set-up in life for these practices, and others of us "get to" learn as we go).

And so, today, I want to offer a simple tool. Something basic that won’t require too much hoop-jumping or fancy gymnastics for your worn and weary self.

Place your hand over your heart, and repeat after me:

“I love you.”
“I care.”
“I am here and I am listening.”
“I’m not leaving.”

Offering the basic love and reassurance that you long for on a cellular level. Remembering that you are worthy of love, security, belonging.

And breathe here, and feel, and bring your body along for the ride (because inevitably the process of being is so much more than reading words on a page, and is worth slowing down for).

And remember, too, that you are a relational being, not born nor living in a vacuum, but a creature that needs other creatures’ warmth, care, attunement for your own thriving and surviving.

And thus, conjure up your favorite “we” – be it a couple good friends, family members, or other human allies… or angels and ancestors... or the earth herself rooting for you.

Resume hand over heart, and say on their behalf:

“We love you.”
“We care.”
“We are here and we are listening.”
“We are not leaving.”

And breathe, and feel, and let all the cells of your dear body bathe in this memo.

Feel free to dress up the language. For instance, it’s hard for me to write, “We are not leaving,” without adding “cute little honeybuns,” and so if there are words of affirmation or endearment that your particular “we” beings speak to you, oh honeybuns, add them on in.

Simple, and yet powerful.

Sometimes we just need a gentle reminder that we are loved and not alone. Please remember: You are worth it. You always were.

Here’s to gentle, tender, hand-over-heart-ing for the remainder of this retrograde period, and – if we’re lucky – forever onward.

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