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  EMAIL       marina [at] shamelessheart [dot] com


Gainesville, FL

1 (855) EMPATHY

Life and communication coaching for women.

The Bully's New Clothes


The Bully's New Clothes

Marina Smerling

Sometimes, we are wrong.  Sometimes, the stories we’ve been telling ourselves for years, all our lives – if not for generations – are simply not true.

You know the ones.  “I’m too this.  I’m too that.”  “I’m not this or that enough.”  The one that says, “People don’t care.  They’re not to be trusted.”  And the story etched deep into so many of our hearts – the one that says we’re alone.

By a stroke of luck, or grace, or simply stupid courage, I recently learned I was wrong.

This article was published online. READ MORE AT SHANTI GENERATION.

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